
Because every post deserves a category these posts could be about anything and everything.

  • 4 more days!

    The conservative national convention next week should be very interesting. I’ve been looking forward to it for so long. I am leaving Saint John on Wednesday and will be returning on Sunday.
    I’ve been busy reading all the amendments and there are some I really disagree with but it should be interesting to hear what others think while I am in Montreal.

    To finish off I am going to add a letter that I sent around last week about the creation of the Young Conservatives of Canada, which I think with slight amendments in the future should be the best youth program of all the political parties in Canada.

    Greetings Fellow Conservatives,

    It is difficult to make a decision on this resolution. Clearly option “C” of maintaining the things as they are is not acceptable. It is defiantly very important to have strong youth involvement in the party.

    Option “A” of creating a Young Conservatives of Canada seems to be a reasonable proposal and better than option “B”, but has several obvious flaws. The first flaw is that it places the President as a voting member of the National Council, this further diminishes the impact of the provincial elected councilors, and allows an opportunity, although not likely, for someone who is not of voting age to be on the National Council. In addition the age of membership in the Conservative Party of Canada should not be lower than the age of 16.

    It also does not promote the communication between campus clubs, and the local EDAs. If option “A” is to be passed it should limit one Young Conservatives of Canada council per electoral district and make an amendment in Electoral District Association constitutions to keep up a spot on the directors for a campus club, starting at the next Annual Meeting, where the place may be filled if an organization does not exist, but does not remove any member as a director until the next annual meeting. If a campus/youth club is formed during the year, they will not hold a directors place until the next general meeting. Also the Campus/Youth organization will be considered a committee of the EDA, to allow for Fundraising, and providing tax receipts under the riding associations.

    Charles E. Frees-Melvin
    Convention Delegate/Director
    Saint John Conservative EDA

  • New Business

    While it is noted on several pages of my website that I am starting a new business venture and it will circle around my site at more details will be available soon.

  • Still Looking…

    It is Day 42 without a job, but I am still looking.

    As you may have noticed there has been some changes to this site as happens often when I get bored. I recently purchased I had purchased hosting from for it in January, but that did not work so now I have it mirroring I probably might set up a system that someone can have a e-mail address that forward to your existing e-mail addresses.

  • Last day of Classes

    Wow it finally came the last day of classes. It has been a very long and hard 13 weeks but now I am glad to be through it. I am looking forward to my exams over the next few weeks. I just got paid my first pay so now I HAVE MONEY! again (to pay bills 🙁 )

    Also I had my second in-car driving lesson, I think that I am getting better at it then last time.

    Also today I am going to start in Radio Shack at McAllister Place for my Rogers Wireless job. I am very excited to work with the people there. Future Shop was great in regards to the people, but there was not a steady flow of customers like I think there will be in the mall.

    gtg to my last class MATH1853 so post later.

  • My Toshiba PocketPC 2003-2004

    My Toshiba has bit the dust today half the screen died. Now I’m trying to decide what to replace it with visit my blog if you have any suggestions, please post them here in the blog.

  • Better Policy Needed to Deal with Bus Congestion

    I have a concern I’ve noticed happening more often on buses over the past month or so. This effect is happening on the Hospital / UNB and East / West Routes.

    As the buses are approaching capacity there are normally about three to seven seats left in the rear of the bus, however many UNBSJ students will notice only that there are no seats in the front of the bus and will stand half-way between the front and rear doors, causing a backlog of people standing.

    I would suggest that the Transit Commission make it policy that all standers must stand in the back of the bus to make it clearer that there are free seats remaining. In addition, I would ask that you contact the University to send out an e-mail to students advising them of this.

  • Harvey’s I bid thee ado

    After three short months at Harvey’s in Saint John, I departed tonight for the last time. It was one of the most interesting jobs I have had.

  • Week One

    Well this week despite being the first week of classes after taking a year and a half off, was fairly uneventful. The old adage that if you don’t use it you will lose it is true. In the Math class for one it is so far covering a lot of the things from Grade 11 which for me was 5 years ago. Last time around all those years ago Ms. Chapman would explain thing very thoroughly so that even the uninterested would learn. Now I have a professor that despite English not being his first language and be slightly difficult communicate his thoughts, is definitely passionate about the course material, and it is early to tell but I think this passion is for all math in general.

    I also finally finished all the graphics for the new upcoming season of Too Close to Call. This season is going to be slightly different from last season, but it is sure to be more interesting. The season premier airs live next Sunday (Sept 19th) at 7-8pm on Rogers Television throughout New Brunswick.

    I have also been working over the past week, but there really is nothing new to say.

  • Has it been that long?

    I haven’t had an opportunity to update this here blog entry in a while.

    A few weeks ago I bought with a new hosting provider all-in-all it is working out fairly well. I am still having trouble setting up a few things in MySQL and postreSQL but that will happen in a bit.

    Now basically as it stands now everything has moved from to through a .htaccess file. As to keep all the links working. And all the mail is being forwarded but I am still using to promote everything the new stuff show up at frees-melvin.ca².

    I am still working a Harvey’s, it has been seven weeks, which makes it longer than the time I worked at RMh for 6.5 weeks.

    I had an interview at Burger King last week, I thought it went well. I should hear something early next week if I get it. Regardless, if I get the opportunity to work at Empire Theatre, I would take it in a heart beat.

    On a university note, I’ve got one week to go and not as excited as my second year at St. Thomas, or as scared as my first year there was, but this is something totally new. Still, I know what to expect at UNBSJ and that will accept my new world with open arms.

  • I’ve done it!

    After 14 years of trying I finally beat the original final fantasy game.

  • cyrkam airt?

    This is an incredibly fun and addictive flash game. It is sort of what most people do in the office place but more competitive. I found it on

    A co-worker throws paper balls at you for about 60-90 seconds and the object is that you try to catch them and throw them in the wastepaper basket for a bonus. Also, as a bonus there are flashing balls and a flying paper plane. As you throw a ball successfully into the wastepaper basket another co-worker moves it. My best score so far is 1200.

    As of the 2021 end of Flash, this game has been lost to time.

  • Some Updates…

    Once again I got another letter from festival by the Sea saying they don’t need my services this year. I wonder if it is because they have too many volunteers or that I did something in 2002 that I’m not aware of.

    Tomorrow I’m going to take a theater production workshop, I think it will be a lot of fun. My good friend Tony (Double T) will be coming with me.

    I just had this entire site hosting reset yesterday and there is a stupid bug in the form submission CGI that I just can’t figure out.

    All for now.

  • Another Victom of the Curse.

    Once again another aspiring politician was not elected because I voted for them.

    Here is the list so far:
    2004 Federal Election
    Bob McVicar (Defeated)

    2004 Conservative Leadership
    Belinda Stonich (Defeated)

    PC/Alliance Merger
    Voted Against (defeated)

    2003 Federal PC Party Leadership
    Jim Prentice (Defeated)

    2004 Municipal Election
    Myself (Defeated)

    2003 Provincial Election
    Mel Vincent Jr. (Defeated)

    2001 Municipal Election
    Derek Chase (Defeated)

    The only exception is when I voted for Elsie Wayne in the 2000 Federal Election.

  • 400 Year Anniversary

    My good friends Tony, Jeff, and I went to see the fireworks display and it was one of the best displays I have seen in my life. Fort LaTour was defiantly a great vantage point for fireworks.

  • Change of Pace

    While I left Client Logic on the 13th after Seven and a half wonderful months.

    This fall I am going to be attending the University of New Brunswick in Saint John. I’m going to take Business. For some reason I seem to take courses that I can’t spell.

    While running for Mayor, and while posting in here’s forums many people criticized that my spelling is bad.

    I’ve spent the past week updating this site. You notice the new background at the top, and the navigation header.

    I’ve just started a wiki on the site as well I had to remove some pictures from the gallery because I was over my limit. I am going to switch hosting providers from to in November when my contract comes up for renewal, for about the same price I can get 500 Megs with MySQL and other features.

    I am also considering whether to volunteer with Festival by the Sea.

    CU L8R

  • After the election

    Many people have asked me what was it like to run for Mayor of Saint John. The answer was that it was a time of a life time. I was privileged to meet everyone that I did meet. I now have a greater respect for Saint John and the issues about it.

    I thought that I knew a lot about Saint John from reading the news, and watching council, and working in the community. There are others that thought I would have been better off running for council, but with the total number of people running, and the fact was there where much better people who were running for council with the knowledge and ability to do this city well.

    To be quite honest the councillors that were elected were some of the best of the crop. Out of the 50 there was actually only about 17 that I thought were the best suited for the job and 9 of them were elected.

    Now back to the Mayor’s seat. Running for mayor provided me with the best exposure. I was mentioned on the Newspapers, Radio, and appeared on TV. Also, I had many people who would stop and talk to me, about the community. It was well worth the experience. I could have bought advertising, and signs I was not desperately determined to get elected. But by no means was I not trying, I was running with a from my heart campaign and what I thought was best. I honestly don’t respect people the just run for the fame, I believe the you should be able to do the job before applying, and I felt that if elected I could have done an exceptional job at it.

    In the future I will run again it may or may not be 2008 but I will be back for more.

  • My Birthday

    The last week has been very busy campaigning. But at last it comes to an end. I was planning on having a special dinner today with my Mother but she decided to leave town. Today I am going out for dinner with my aunt. Then heading into town to do Too Close to Call like I normally do every Sunday. Also I’m excited about the election tomorrow, and that I am leaving for Toronto on Wednesday.

  • Last 3 Days

    The last three days have been very interesting. I had the opportunity to meet with many Saint Johners, and received a lot of good feed back. I was saddened to learn that I was not considered by the Fire Department, as I believe my plan would benefit the Fire Department the most out of any candidate.

  • It’s Official!

    As of 10:30 this morning I am now an official Mayoral Candidate for the City of Saint John. 20 Day till election day. Can you just smell the winds of change.

  • Censorship, Message Boards, Guestbooks, and Spelling.

    Since this site started as Chuck’s Anything and Everything Site back in 1999. I have always removed or edited abusive content. At the bottom of every page on this site is an “ICRA” button. Also, this site contains a meta stamp that rates this site on parental controls as an acceptable for all ages website with no chat room. This explains why many posts were removed. More details about the rating system can be found by clicking on one of these buttons.

    The guestbook has been removed from the Mayor section of my website. The guestbook on the personal site has the data file set as read only. Any posts will be e-mailed to me but will not publicly appear. These measures will be in effect until I return to Saint John from Toronto on May 18th.

    The entire mayor site has been spell checked. The rest of this site will also be reviewed again as it was last December.