This is a collection of Instagram posts over the last 5 years involving food.
Photo Caption: Third Shift Night #saintawesome
Photo taken at: Saint John, New Brunswick
Photo Caption: These lights are so beautiful. #saintawesome #portcitypubcrawl
Photo taken at: Picaroons General Store
Photo Caption: Great soccer/football crowd for the World Cup finale. #saintawesome
Photo taken at: Picaroons General Store
Posts from Instagram during our about my cruise.
Photo Caption: Almost parade time! #igerssaintjohn #saintawesome #livelifeuptown
Photo taken at: Brunswick Square Shopping Centre
Photo Caption: My best photo of the night. #igerssaintjohn #saintawesome #sjnb #fireworks
Photo taken at: Harbour Passage
So now that I have looked into the election a little harder, I am changing some of the options.
Mike Richardson- I’m not quite sure what it is but Mike seems to have a well thought out plan, no dirt and the just has a personality that one would pay attention to as mayor.
Councillor At Large:
Danny Jardine- I remember Danny from the last election he was one of those people that are deeply rooted in the social aspects of the community, like Donny Snook, that understands the poverty aspect of the city but is that enough, I’m adding this name to my shortlist because the list of candidates that I get to choose from is so pathetic, I think ward 4 might just have the worst turnout than any other part of this city.
Mark LeBlanc- A maybe
Rick Mantle- I think this one could make the council a little interesting.
Chris Titus- This one is a definite vote, many of my favourite memories of council involve this fellow, especially back in the Shirley days. I like that Chris is involved in the community not afraid to express new ideas, and knows the when a horse is being flogged too long.
Councillor Ward 4:
I don’t seem to think that any of these people would be beneficial at the moment on the council chamber, this is one of the reasons that I was so opposed to the entire ward system is that the east is the area where no one that matters seems to ever run.
District Education Council District 1
Sub District 9: No one is running
District Education Council District 8
Zone A: Acclaimed
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