Back in June, I was in a position that I was struggling with motivation to do anything. There was constant nervousness about falling and not able to get up on my own and I was doing very little.
After talking with my doctor, based on online research, I read that it was a common side-effect of Gabapentin. A common reoccurring solution was to also take a mild dose of Sertraline.
Once I started taking the Sertraline, things improved a lot. I started doing more and focusing on my exercises. I also stopped crying myself to sleep every night.
Now fast forward to early this year, I was taken off the Gabapentin. It was causing weight gain and as I learned, most of the remaining pain was a side-effect of it. Which left me with just the Sertraline.
As I soul searched it really wasn’t making me feel any less lonely, or even helping with dating. In fact, it made me less motivated to go out and meet people. I went to a dance for a friend, but couldn’t bring myself to go in. My friend was having a special night and the Arcade Bar, and I struggled with motivations to go. I’ve been really tired a lot. I couldn’t even go to comedy shows that I loved.
I would make it to the parking lot and then give up. Staying in a cloud of loneliness. I haven’t been even able to write these posts. So now my prescription is over and I have stopped taking it.
Today I even waxed my car today that I lacked the motivation to do.
As most of you know I have volunteered at ROGERS tv for going on 19 years. Bi-weekly there is a talk show that I work on called What Matters most. A few weeks ago the had someone on as a guest from the Momentum Group to talk about a then-upcoming event for a Startup Weekend. Long story short that episode didn’t make it to air and was instead put on YouTube. Therefore you can watch the following 13-minute interview to get the idea of what it is about.
Or not… I guess I can tell you what it is about.
The premise is that you pay money for a ticket and choose if you are a Developer (can code), Designer (can design stuff), or Other (smart person, marketing person, money person, et cetera). Then on Friday you show up raid the buffet spread, socialize, network, and assess the competition.
Then you get to listen to speeches, “The is is how the weekend is going to go down”, “we love business”, “entrepreneurs are awesome”, “there are so many services you have never probably heard of that you are going to get a taste of”, “your community needs you”, and lastly “who has an idea!”.
This is the first taste of the opportunity where you get to line up and present and possible idea, everyone claps for you presenting your idea, then you walk off to write your idea down on a big piece of paper and stick it on the wall. After all the ideas are presented comes the fun. Everyone in the room goes an puts a post-it note on the idea they like. Then the top several ideas get selected and then they get moved around the room that the idea person stood beside their idea and if you liked their idea you could join their idea team. If an idea had at least 3 people it was then a team.
We then spent a few hours planning out the idea. Then we went to socialize at a special after-hours gathering at the new Saint John Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Club.
The next morning we arrived to have a light breakfast. Then go off to work. It was this portion of the day where we got to choose the local business people and entrepreneurs we would talk to in a type of speed-dating to understand our idea and it’s potential best future best. Of course, we then had an amazing lunch. Then back to work on the afternoon working on the business plan, the supporting market research, prototypes of ideas, and to build a blow-away presentation for the next day. Then a large supper arrived and it was back to work into the night.
The next morning involves a lot of fine-tuning the presentation, and practice of the presentation. Our group used Prezi for the presentation and there were a few points where we had to add a few seconds of fill to transition the topics for the visual animations that done well, nails the presentation and, not appearing to be filler.
Then we got to do a test presentation and got some great feedback from the event organizers. Using the feedback it just made the presentation stronger. Then lunch arrived I think this one was from Toro Tacos and it was a rice bowl that was incredible.
Then it was presentation time. This was the first time I ever used a presenter button (or TV term GPI) it is so much better than hitting the arrow keys on a laptop and makes it easier to present. After the presentation, I was relieved that that was it. Now to listen to the other presentations. There were nine teams in total with prizes for the first, second and third place teams.
When the third place team was announced, I was a little surprised. The criteria I thought of that would make a great idea was not what the judges looked for. There were great but impractical ideas in the pack, some that when it went from the idea Friday night took a turn for the worst. Then there was some that got a whole thot better after research. The thirds place idea was one of those and in reflection well deserved and was championed by someone truly invested in the limitless potential of their idea.
My team won second place and again I was in shock not because I didn’t believe our idea but because I had spent the last hour being won over by some of the other ideas.
Then when the first place was announced it was definitely the one I expected. I’ll link to a CBC interview on the winning idea.
After the awards it was a bit more, socializing, networking, and business talk on where the ideas can go from there.
There is going to be another one in Saint John hopefully in the Spring, and there is going to be one the first weekend of November in Fredericton.
I love comedy and always have. Robin Williams and George Carlin are amongst my favourites. Over the past few years starting with the summer of trying things I have started going to see stand-up comedy shows. Not to say I no longer love improv comedy, but there is just so much more stand-up lately in these parts.
One of the recurring shows is the No Jokes Barred put on monthly by Jon Forward at the R Bar. What I love about this show are the new performers. Back when I was rehearsing on A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Ken Bolton, he kept encouraging me to try stand-up. I never did however mainly due to my anxiety.
However, this past June, Ken was going to be leaving town, and after the No Jokes Barred show, there was an open mic for the third anniversary post-show. I was considering doing it and was trying to think up some good material all day before the show. All of which I ran out of time to perfect and only used a bit as a preamble to my 2013 Amsterdam Trip story. (Which you will not find on this blog)
All during the show I was debating actually doing it. There was the option to do a Karaoke song, or comedy. They were giving past performers 6 minutes and other people 3 minutes. At this point, I was unsure about the comedy as 3 minutes was not enough time to tell my story. When the sign-up papers were placed on the table, I grabbed one right away and wrote “Charles Frees-Melvin… Comedy”. I was still nervous and spoke to a few people and then, what the hell, gave Jon the piece of paper.
After a few others, my name got called and there was no turning back. From my 18 years of TV experience holding and talking into the mic was child’s play. I also love to story-tell as well so that was not an issue. The hard part was I had to make them laugh.
As it turned out my story was either really funny or the crowd was great because they were laughing a lot and in all the right places. Then the dreaded R Bar experience a heckler! That guy said something stupid and wrong and I made fun of him and moved on to finish the story. I don’t know how but the right words just came to me to shoot that guy down.
Obviously thrilled with myself I finished my beer and headed home.
Today I looked through MyFitnessPal and determined that my weight loss goals did not happen as I started the year as 134.7kg and ended it at 133.3kg although I have gotten smaller in all the other measurements. So I then I turned to my iPhoto to remember what I did this past year, and I have picked out the best one for each month.
Best of 2014 – January
Over the holidays there was a lot of freezing rain and my driveway had very thick unbreakable ice. My thought was if I could get down to the asphalt it would allow me to get rid of more of the ice as it would melt in the sunlight.
However, it resulted in charred remains on top of the ice, as the dried out wreath burned very quickly.
Best of 2014 – February
Since it was very cold and lots of ice, what else do you do but escape to where it is warmer. One of my goals of 2014 was to add as many countries to my list as possible. Another goal was that I would not go to Europe again until I reached 115kg (which is still the goal) as motivation to actually lose weight. Therefore very last moment I went to a travel agent for the very first time and booked my first cruise to add 4 new countries (which ended up as 5).
Best of 2014 – March
Needless to say, It snowed a lot more in March. I was still sporting a very nice tan though, and remained very bundled up. I also did not take many pictures in March so it was either this or the new former Premier giving a speech to a room full of people at the local riding nomination meeting, my first of two this year with two uncontested candidates.
Best of 2014 – April
This is a phone of Claire Hughes on her Claire’s Big Bike Ride for Bell’s Let’s Talk campaign for mental health issues.
For me April was a really good month this was when I started to get smaller and began the year-long process of replacing most of my clothes.
Best of 2014 – May
Besides being my birthday month, May continued the positive vibes of April. This photo is from the first test screening of The Divorce Movie. This movie featured many people who I have met from various areas of my past, and was a really enjoyable film that just happened to by the type of movie that I would have seen anyway.
Best of 2014 – June
From my past travels when anyone asks what is the greatest place I have ever seen, the only true answer is Berlin!
This brings us to the start of the World Cup season where I went out almost every day to watch the games and cheer on team Germany over when possible German beer, or as close to it as possible. (Sometimes Dutch beer when the Netherlands were playing.)
Best of 2014 – July
Now I could have used my celebration photo from when Germany won the World Cup, however, who doesn’t love a fireworks show.
In typical Saint John fashion it was rainy, foggy, or something else on Canada Day and the fireworks got delayed, I went out to the grassy field at Portland Point where I ran into my old friend April and her gang that I had not seen in a few years and became a very great evening.
Best of 2014 – August
If you read my last post you will recall that I really enjoyed the 2nd Fundy Fringe Festival, this was a photo during one of the evening shows with many of the performers.
Most of the best memories I do not have, or would not post them here, but were a highlight of my year.
Best of 2014 – September
This year I started to go to the local stand-up comedy nights “No Holds Barred” with Jon Forward at the R Bar. These are great nights filled with laughs. This was from the September Show during the Harvesting the Arts festival. There are so may stay cats in Saint John that during the act this cat came wandering in the bar and provided for great improved moments of stand-up comedy.
Best of 2014 – October
In October, I took a trip to the Canadian Wireless Trade Show in Toronto did a lot of cool things that I probably should have blogged about. For Halloween I went to Medieval Times and did not know there was a costume contest so I did not dress-up but had a great time anyway. This is a photo of the Knighting ceremony for Mario, to try to get his princess. (Sorry Mario, your princess was in another castle.)
Best of 2014 – November
Up until June, it had been a tradition to go to the Urban Deli for breakfast every Saturday morning for about 4 years. Then they stopped serving breakfast and I wandered to several different places like Big Tide and Bourbon Quarter before I stumbled on Billy’s Seafood. The first few times I was not thrilled with its people watching potential, then I started sitting at the bar and the entire experience changed. After several weeks on the way to the Imperial Theatre to see The Sound of Music I stopped by Billy’s to try the dinner menu. This was the Cornmeal Haddock that I had that night.
Best of 2014 – December
Now to finish off the year, is my usual weekend haunt, The Canterbury Lounge. Typically, the highlight is an amazing drink that Adam creates with a smile, not this night. It was a giant Bear, on a Chair, with a Hat!
This year I had the privilege of volunteering at the Fundy Fringe Festival for mine and its second year.
I only managed to see 9 of the 15 performances but was very impressed with the variety and quality of the performances.
The experience was incredible not only to meet the other performers and volunteer but the general community that supported the artists.
On the last day of the festival, there was one experience that really stood out. I went to the Queen’s Square Market to get my Sunday morning croissant with chocolate gnash from Le Boulangerie Français prior to my final shift. There was this elderly woman sitting by herself on the bench and asked me what I thought of different shows.
It turned out that this woman was visiting the city specifically for the festival and has lived in Vancouver before no living outside Toronto. She was not a big fan of the comedy shows and was looking for something darker. After suggesting William Ellis’ Dirty Work she said that was exactly the type of show she was looking for. We then continued to chat for a good 20 minutes about her travels and the various theatre she has seen over her years which was an impressive amount.
I found this video on YouTube today it is a parody of “Call Me Maybe” with bad but not terrible lyrics. Then from there, I found a Fresh Prince version that went through all 64 Google Translate options, and back to English. I then thought about what would it look like if Farewell to Nova Scotia lyrics were translated to all 64 languages and this was the result.
Chorus: Vita Nova Beach. A bronze tart Residues. Be careful, because the salt. Or hate it?
evening prayer Sufficient trees and birds. but the But I do not do it for more information.
There is no need for me to go abroad. This was intention to friend. appropriate Children / workout.
Note that the drums. Lord of the universe. If Scotland can Hey, Michael. to
she Interior dimensions. However I know. Black holes and valleys from other women.
Chorus x2
As you can see it is quite humorous. Now I can’t perform well enough to make my own video, but if someone does let me know and I’ll link to it.
This weekend I went to see the new Adam Sandler movie, “That’s My Boy”. I really laughed in this one even though the theatre was empty on Saturday afternoon. This is the first Sandler movie in a while that actually has a great story as well as being funny. This is one of the must sees this Spring/Summer season.
First off, a detailed post about my trip to Toronto is coming soon. Including the stuff I learned and would like to add about WordCamp Toronto. In addition, I am sorting through the 400 pictures I took over the weekend for a SnapShots album.
I wanted to talk about movies. I have seen several lately although I am way behind this time last year. I have seen a lot of romantic movies and romantic comedies lately. However, it seems that the romantic movie industry seems to be making traditional tragedies lately. They are not happily ever after anymore. Even the Miley Cyrus hit “Last Song” falls into this category, a funeral, seriously. The little weak happy tag ending does not make it better it starts badly in Act One, gets better in act two, then ends badly. That sir is definitely a tragedy in the dramatic sense.
But this a huge trend this year. Valentines Day, When in Rome, Dear John, Chloë, and many others are the same. Is there no hope anymore?
Once again as the award season approaches here are my predictions for the 2010 Golden Globe Awards tonight.
Best Motion Picture – Drama Up In The Air
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama Sandra Bullock – The Blind Side
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama Morgan Freeman – Invictus
Best Motion Picture – Comedy Or Musical Julie & Julia
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy Or Musical Sandra Bullock – The Proposal
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Comedy Or Musical Daniel Day-Lewis – Nine
Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture Anna Kendrick – Up In The Air
Best Performance by an Actor In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture Matt Damon – Invictus
Best Animated Feature Film Fantastic Mr. Fox
Best Foreign Language Film The Maid (La Nana) (Chile)
Best Director – Motion Picture Jason Reitman – Up In The Air
Best Screenplay – Motion Picture Jason Reitman, Sheldon Turner – Up In The Air
Best Original Score – Motion Picture Karen O and Carter Burwell – Where The Wild Things Are
Best Original Song – Motion Picture “I Want To Come Home” – Everybody’s Fine
Music & Lyrics By: Paul McCartney
Best Television Series – Drama Dexter (SHOWTIME)
Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series – Drama Julianna Margulies – The Good Wife (CBS)
Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series – Drama Hugh Laurie – House (FOX)
Best Television Series – Comedy Or Musical 30 Rock (NBC)
Best Performance by an Actress In A Television Series – Comedy Or Musical Tina Fey – 30 Rock (NBC)
Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series – Comedy Or Musical Steve Carell – The Office (NBC)
Best Mini-Series Or Motion Picture Made for Television Taking Chance (HBO)
Best Performance by an Actress In A Mini-series or Motion Picture Made for Television Drew Barrymore – Grey Gardens (HBO)
Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television Chiwetel Ejiofor – Endgame (PBS)
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television Jane Lynch – Glee (FOX)
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Neil Patrick Harris – How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
Getting here to Montreal, I had decided to get the bus. (Orleans Express/Acadian Lines) Thus it presents this opportunity to write this long detailed encounter as I have the remainder of the 13 hour bus trip to finish.
After arriving here in Montreal I took a nice stroll down Ste-Catherine to the train station. It was on this trip through the eerily quite streets of the jazz festival site that I ran across the first image. Although to is common to think of those in the financial services industry as “wanks” someone thought it would be a great idea to draw one on the two sided of the corner of the building.
After the fist day of sessions at word camp there was this crazy man that started yelling at me in french, I think he though I took a picture or something. The funny part that is so not like me is the fact that I started yelling back at him in English and he did not seem to understand me at all. That make id kind of funny then he ran off and I went off to catch the subway to the hotel.
The subway in Montreal seemed to be quite different than Toronto. Especially the automated stalls after paying the guy handed me a little card, and I did not get originally how the doors opened, then he started yelling the what I think are the instruction in French. After looking further at the stalls I give the yelling guy the “I have no clue what you are saying look. Then he explains the put the card in the slot in English. I then proceeded to the hotel.
On the way in one of the Subway stations there was a sign in French only that part of the platform was closed for constriction bit it was graffitied with “Montreal is supposed to be Bilingual” to which some one wrote; “We wish!”
Me at the after party. Eva Blue Photo.
I thought it was amusing. One can tell mush about a society by the appearance of the graffiti. Especially, considering the prior instance of “art.”
One great thing about my iPhone is the fact that it really saved me from the being lost. Well kind of. The Google walking and transit directions are really good for Montreal. It was still a difficult city to find things in. I missed the first subway stop without realizing, thankfully my GPS on the iPhone found me the next one just in time.
The last tale before I finish is the tale of the pigeon. After the final sessions of WordCamp, we went to an outdoor patio bar that had some of the most amazing natural and architectural design of any patio bar. While standing outside talking to some interesting people like Kim Valee this word pigeon was doing a bizarre dance on the windowsill across the street and everyone mentioned the crazy pidgin was about to top itself as the guy pass is the bird flies into the bar right behind them and everyone starts chasing after the bird. Classic comedy movie scene.
What is there to say about the movie Australia. This movie is definitely on the calibre of movie with Casablanca. This movie has aspects of almost every gents of movie it’s a comedy, drama, romance, war, western, nature, coming of age, family, real-life type movie.
Even more remarkable than the fantastic acting in the moving is the calm heart-pounding score that carries you seamlessly through the story.
This movie is written in the three-act style but all three acts have their own three acts it is truly a must-see. CEFM Rating: 5/5
Dull but based on real life events, with a porno-elements in a tasteful manner. Rating: 3/5
This movie is a hoot and very ironic of you have ever worked for an outsourced company or are an outsourcer. But is the story of people understanding other unfamiliar cultures to help find themselves. Rating: 4/5
Bolt PG
Worth seeing in Real 3D. This is one of the first movies in 3D that I was not pissed off. Usually, 3D movie does things to show off the 3D that takes away from the storytelling. But not Bolt, Bolt uses it to tell a story of a dog who it lost both literally and metaphorically who struggle to find his way home (and himself). Meanwhile the cat is also learning its true nature without being boring. A good movie for the whole family. Rating: 3.5/5
This is not the type of movie I typically go to, but I really loved this movie. I especially liked the way the movie tied itself together so well. Also, the fact of the way she trusted them despite the fact of him being a monster. I really love how the villain type can be a hero without seeming too good. Rating: 4.5/5
Four ChristmasesPG-13
This was an amazing, good movie. A romantic comedy that will toy with your emotions. These two are a perfect chemistry for each other. Rating: 4.5/5