Weldon Creek #3 Bridge, built in 1923, is 18.3 metres long.

Weldon Creek #3 Bridge, built in 1923, is 18.3 metres long.
Point Wolfe Covered Bridge, built in 1992, is 28.8 metres long.
Coverdale River #3 Bridge, is officially not in service but is used by a farmer to get to his cow pasture. It is difficult to find from the road without GPS as it looks like a driveway. Built-in 1943 the bridge is 30.5 metres long.
Turtle Creek #4 Bridge, built-in 1912, is 19.5 metres long. It was moved to its present location and has a great view of the lake. It was one of a few bridges with the sloping roof at the ends which I would imagine make it worse in the rain but improves the aesthetics.
This bridge unused to the side of the new road, hidden off the main road was built in 1942 and is 23.2 metres long. It is a nice bridge but hard to see and there were so many mosquitos.
Sawmill Creek #0.5, built in 1908 is 32.5 metres long.
Shepody River #3, built in 1903 is 18.6 metres long.
Forty Five River #1, built in 1914 is 28.7 metres long.
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