
Because every post deserves a category these posts could be about anything and everything.

  • Second Life: Virtually Useless

    The tech arena can feel like a cesspool. One recent spam message I received rhymed ‘hag’ with ’shag’; another advertised images of straight guys pleasuring gay guys for cash. Meanwhile, the onslaught of worms and scams never lets up — I could form a museum of virtual garbage.

  • Bar in China allows stressed out customers to beat up staff – Yahoo! News

    What has the world come to this is so stupid.

    Bar in China allows stressed out customers to beat up staff – Yahoo! News

  • Probe as web shows stunt gone wrong – Yahoo! News UK

    Probe as web shows stunt gone wrong – Yahoo! News UK

    Wow! this reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons there they tied Milhouse to the spiny thing and used the school bus to fly him off that is really freaky.

  • Banana Phone

    This is so addictive.

  • Congratts to Scott Renton

    My old friend from Dipper Harbour, NB, appeared on the cover of [Here] Saint John Edition. Way to go!

  • There Philippines

    From the beginnings of time every Therian has wondered if there was intelligent life beyond the Planet There. As it turns out there now is. Earlier this week Michael Wilson announced the launch of in partnership with Groovenet, There Philippines. There Philippines opened this week as an Alpha Release with very controlled testing being done.Â

    Many of you readers are curious about what is this new place is like, and to be honest it is identical in look to our There. But the people are very different. We newcomers to the US their service have been taught the ropes on what behavior is well accepted. This is not the case in There Philippines has a totally different social and geographical dynamic. In general with all the members coming from the Philippines there is a lot of conversation taking place in Tagalog and English, the official language of the Philippines. In addition there is a very strong social dynamic that is forming. Everyone is friends in this world. To be quite honest There Philippines is like an Eden to some of the problems that we meet in the everyday life of a Therian.

    Since this new there is based out of the Philippines there is a very different economic model then the world we know so that means that this version of there has a different system to handle the purchasing of Tbux. In this version of There you begin by creating an account on from there, there are 3 payment systems currently since this is in Alpha Testing only one is currently available. This site handles all the logging in to the system and the Buy Tbux pages. This has been very effective so far in keeping the There Philippines from becoming over run. From my point of view not being a US resident it is inconvenient at times to exchange money to a US currency, this is part of what makes There Philippines great.

    The President of Groovenet, Inc., and avie named Cole hangs out all night with the Philippi Therians in Tiki Cove Plaza there are usually several chat groups formed around there. They tend to mostly like to stay there at this time, but there are several people that like to explore the world and visit the cool There “Landmarks” and love to see over the next ridge. One example in an avie named Faith; we have spent the last week going from Maidenflight in Ootay to the far reaches Astrology Island. The worlds are so totally identical right down to the infamous terrain spit on Mt. NeNe.

    So until next week, Ako po ay taos-pusong nagpapasalamat.

  • My Guide to Gratuties

    1. Never Tip for meals less than $20 after taxes.
    2. Tip 5% if your appetizer comes before you finish you first drink.
    3. Tip 5% if they got your meal right.
    4. Tip 5% if you waited less than 3 minutes after you main course to be asked if you would like some coffee, the dessert, or your bill.

    These are my standard rules for restaurants for taxi cabs I only tip if the cabbie takes a direct route on a meter.

  • Ahhh! the 80’s

    I just saw the Movie “Scary Movie 4? tonight and as the wiped emerges from the depths of the ground as in parody to War of the Worlds. There is a tune that plays first that I thought sounded like “I’ma I’ma I’ma I’ma I’ma Chameleon” which I tried for ever to find and then I found a cool website Am I Right ( that had that expression in a different song but I found it in the 80’s Section the song was really Culture Club’s, “Karma Chameleon”

    Then I took the unfortunate decision to try their other songs. What were they thinking like the mid to latter 80’s was not that bad but the early 80’s Ahhh! It is almost as bad as Disco, It sort of sounds in between Disco and the stuff of the later 80’s but anyways not my cup of tea.

    I took lots of pics today while I was taking a stroll uptown they are in my Gallery section of this site.

  • Worst Movie Ever

    I went to see Slither ant the Studio 10 today it was a terrible movie got to be one of the worst I have seen in my life it was truly a pointless movie. Even the special effects were quite lame.

  • Night on the Town

    Tonight I went to town to see Shaydid ( at O’Leary’s Pub. They were pretty good.

    Before that I went for supper at the Church Street Steakhouse. ( I had no clue that their food was so good. I am going to have to go back and try more of their menu.

    There was this weird guy though that kept calling me Peter all night though. I think that I am going to have to go out more often.

    My cell phone received a virus again and it really messed up the programs that I had installed. I have those cell phone viruses because it is hard to rid yourself of them as there are not any free anti-virus programs available for my model of phone.

    I’m trying to think of more to put here as I don’t seem to post as often as I would hope. I make tons of forum posts but I keep neglecting this blog even though this blog has tons of visitors. Trust me I know how often each of you checks my blog.

    I have just noticed that the blog has been offline for a little while on my site. Some weird PHP problem probably from my last CMS change.

    Anyways I guess that is it for tonight.

  • Some Updates

    There is this game that I play all the time called There. I have gotten so addicted to that game, that I have left my website go for a while. So now I have just added a few more pictures of what I have been up to in my photo gallery. And I have 3 new burgers to add to The Real Burger section of my site.Last Friday, I was at (hides face) a Saint John Sea Dogs game. That team is truly terrible come on any one can do better than lose 7-0, even though they were playing one of the league’s best teams it seems as if they were not even trying anymore, and gave up to make the Wildcats look better.I am working on a new CMS for this site and will be incorporating a new guest book in the system.

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    Halifax Look-Out

    Independent Film

    Starring: Tony Tompkins & Charles Frees-Melvin

    Direction, Camera and Editing: Tony Tompkins

    ©2005 Wolverine Pictures

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    Crushed Beautifully

    Independent Short Film

    Starring: An empty crushed can of Arizona Fruit Punch (Pictures were taken with my Nokia 6620 Mobile Device)

    Direction, Camera and Editing: Charles E. Frees-Melvin

    The images above may not be reproduced on any site other than

  • The Election is Finally Over

    After months of hard work the election is finally over. It did not quite turn out like it should have, but it is time to move on.

    I have received many e-mails about why the guest book was gone. The answer was because of the vulgar spam that was occurring. If there was a guest book application that would have the option to enter a confirmation code when placing an entry I would restore it.

    Now I am out job hunting again as I left A&W to devote time to the election. Not sure yet what I want to do.

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    Johnny’s Coupon Book 2006 SJ

    After my employment with Johnny’s Coupons ended, CEFM Webgroup (my former company) was contracted to do the publication design work for the 2006 Saint John Edition. Here is the PDF of the book as a sample of my work, Copy/Paste, Printing, has been disabled.

    The images above may not be reproduced on any site other than

  • CPCSJEDA and John Wallace Election Sites

    CPCSJEDA and John Wallace Election Sites

    These are screenshots of two web sites I designed for the Conservative EDA. These were templates on a Mambo Core. I have also designed the current site that operates on a Joomla Core.

  • Reminiscing the Past

    Reminiscing the Past

    My 1st Computer Graphic

    After two people recently mentioned they went to school with me at Loch Lomond School I decided to crack open the old year books and look for them. It was a shame that I have miss placed my yearbooks from Fundy Shores (1989), Simonds High (1998). and that there wern’t any yearbooks or I didn’t get one; Fundy Shores (1990 or 1991(I left mid-way threw)), St. Rose School (1991), Bayside Jr. High (1996 & 1997).

    It always amazes me the number of people who I went to the same school with that I never knew by some how knew be, be it the girls I chased (Colleen and Christy) or my bodyguards, (Ed, Mike and Darren) my nemesis, (Donald) or the people who I bullied of had my head in the sand while kicking repetitively. I even came across my very first computer graphic… it was made on a Commodore 64 Computer (I had typed PC before changing it to computer, as in those days they wern’t PC’s.) It is funny how people thought it was good in 1994 but would laugh now.

    If you are any of these people who know me and I don’t know you please sign my guest book, I don’t even know who is still alive (I’m starting to sound like my grandmother now.)

  • Updates

    While the summer has been very busy for me. After finnishing up at Johnny’s Coupons I am looking for my next big endevour. My friend Tony and I decided that we are going to Toronto in a cuple of weeks which will be very cool.
    I’m going to spend some time over the next week or so updating alot of the design on this site. I’m adding a lot of new feature such as DHTML menus. And other new stuff, I am goind to also be redrafting alot of the content on the pages and adding some new writings that I have came across from my High School days. Also I may upload some of my University Papers.

    My design portfolio is going to be getting new stuff and I am fixing my photo gallery and uploading 200 Megs of pictures.

  • Toronto, Election, and LiveSaintJohn

    While once again it is getting to be that time for my annual trip to Toronto. This year I am spending 5 nights in Toronto. I have not done up my itinerary yet, but top on my list of things to see is the Hockey Hall of Fame, a Mervisch Play, and Queen’s Square in Toronto.

    Wow, can’t you just smell the sweet scent of a Federal Election? Unfortunately, I’ll be in Toronto during the CSM but hopefully, the Election call will be shortly after I return.

    And when I return is going to get up and running. I will spend a little time adding content, and restaurant reviews.

  • :: Which Absurd Cat are you?

    You scored as Couch Potato Cat. Decorative pillow? No, that’d be you sitting on the couch, even still. Hmm. . . I’m guessing you have Web TV.

    Couch Potato Cat


    Nerd Cat


    Drunk Cat


    Love Machine Cat


    Pissed at the World Cat


    Derranged Cat


    Ninja Cat


    Which Absurd Cat are you?
    created with