I just saw the Movie “Scary Movie 4? tonight and as the wiped emerges from the depths of the ground as in parody to War of the Worlds. There is a tune that plays first that I thought sounded like “I’ma I’ma I’ma I’ma I’ma Chameleon” which I tried for ever to find and then I found a cool website Am I Right (www.amiright.com) that had that expression in a different song but I found it in the 80’s Section the song was really Culture Club’s, “Karma Chameleon”

Then I took the unfortunate decision to try their other songs. What were they thinking like the mid to latter 80’s was not that bad but the early 80’s Ahhh! It is almost as bad as Disco, It sort of sounds in between Disco and the stuff of the later 80’s but anyways not my cup of tea.

I took lots of pics today while I was taking a stroll uptown they are in my Gallery section of this site.


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