
  • The Save UNBSJ Effort

    I was just reading my e-mail and I received one about the effort against the plans to convert UNB Saint John into a polytechnic university or do a merger with NBCC Saint John. The e-mail linked another site http://livingininterestingtimes.wordpress.com/ and I thought I would just post about it here. On one hand I think that losing a full university such as UNB Saint John could be a bad thing, but the polytechnic university concept might be interesting, there doesn’t seem to be a University in the area like the caliber that some polytechnics like Ryerson have.

  • Facebook vs. MySpace

    So for the last few weeks I have used Facebook a lot. It is really easier than MySpace, and does more. Like these posts for an example. As I write these I am using by blogging software on my website called WordPress. And it makes XML files for an RSS reader. Now Yahoo360, Windows Live Spaces, and Facebook will get my blog directly from this site, but not MySpace for MySpace I have to copy and paste it. The best thing about MySpace is the videos because I can post those on here but I can’t do a YouTube Video easily.

    Also I have found a lot of long-lost acquaintances on Facebook which is really cool. I guess that is it.

  • Journal Entry Nov 11, 2002

    Today was Remembrance Day. This was the first ceremony I have been to in six years. Before that I used to be forced go every year. I first went with scouting about 12 years ago, always froze my hands off carrying the New Brunswick flag at the Jarvis Bay Memorial in East Saint John, and then in 1996 was my last one with Air Cadets.

  • Journal Entry Nov 4, 2002

    Today I am reworking my website the people at Tripod.ca sent out a letter on Hallowe’en that they were going to drop their service. This resulted in a bigger furry than the New Year’s dilemma the plagues all webmasters year after year, the changing of copyright last year to copyright this year. Thus, I had to change the entire site’s internal links from enterprise17.tripod.ca to enterprise17.tripod.com. With the larger size of my site that resulted in over 2,300 changes that took about 5 hours to finish moving. At least now, it’s completed.