This week I went to
But what is even more inexcusable is the state of the decorations in the Council chamber. I have attached a photo that demonstrates the three worst violations.
1. The Queen’s Photo
This item really bugged me most of the night it is not noticeable on TV or the web feed but the photos are crooked. In the chamber, it was the Philip photo that looked wrong but upon review in PhotoShop
2. The New Brunswick Flag
This one is not as noticeable as the others but the flag is a good decimeter down the shaft from the top making it lower than the other flags.
3. The Acadian Banner/Flag
In this case
Bonus: Flag Order
The flags are positioned incorrectly. They are positioned left to right: Union Jack, New Brunswick, Canada, Acadian. By official precedence with 4 flags the Canadian flag should be on the left, followed by the flag of a sovereign state (Union Jack), Provincial Flag in order of confederation (NB), then historical flags (Acadian). Then an optional second Canadian flag could be on the right.
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