Greetings to everyone that is reading this.

Well the several weeks have been very busy. Haven’t had much time to put a post here. But now here it is. I am currently working on a script for a short film that I wan’t to produce this spring. It will be very cool and about 10 minutes long.

So over the past two weeks I have seen many new movies in the theatres, The Last King of Scotland, The Astronaut Farmer, Happy Feet, Stomp the Yard, 300, and most recently I seen Wild Hogs. All of these were very good movies.

Anyways I hope you all had a chance to see my daytime graphics for St. Paddy’s Week, They were killer.

Anyways that is all for now to all my friends currently reading this on Facebook, Yahoo 360, Windows Live Spaces, RSS, or here on my one website (The MySpace is now dead because they make it too hard to blog there.)

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