While I left Client Logic on the 13th after Seven and a half wonderful months.

This fall I am going to be attending the University of New Brunswick in Saint John. I’m going to take Business. For some reason I seem to take courses that I can’t spell.

While running for Mayor, and while posting in here’s forums many people criticized that my spelling is bad.

I’ve spent the past week updating this site. You notice the new background at the top, and the navigation header.

I’ve just started a wiki on the site as well frees-melvin.ca/wiki. I had to remove some pictures from the gallery because I was over my limit. I am going to switch hosting providers from webserve.ca to canadianwebhosting.com in November when my contract comes up for renewal, for about the same price I can get 500 Megs with MySQL and other features.

I am also considering whether to volunteer with Festival by the Sea.



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