As I sit at my computer and look out my window, I hear the very annoying sound of crickets. Most city people would find crickets a refreshing sound, not me. It was nice to hear them chirp when I first arrive in Fredericton but now this is day 21 and they never shut up! That is over 500 hours of non-stop chirping; I hear them in the morning, and in the afternoon. I hear them when in the evening, and they do not even stop underneath the moon. Beyond the numbing sound of those awful crickets, I can hear the bustling traffic from the nearby highway eight. Outside my window, there is a maple tree, if you look closely one can see that the changing of the leaves is about to start occurring. This is the sign that autumn, or the “almost winter” season according to the sheet on a professor’s door in Edmond Casey Hall, is going to begin on Monday.

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